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Gallery 6


On view June - December, 2024

Opposites is a playful art exhibition featuring ten New England artists exhibiting pairs of works that are in some way opposites of each other. The art invites children and their caregivers to pause for a moment, look, debate, and discuss these many unique pairings. Artists in this show include: Rachel Benson, Deirdre Blair, Kate Brindley, Taintor Davis Child, Vanessa De Zorzi, Matt Gunn, Sarah Koff, Laura Mainella, Madison Ramirez, and Karina Taylor.

Gallery 6 is supported by Bank of America, the New Hampshire State Council on the Arts, Abbie F. Moseley Trust, TD Charitable Foundation and the Fuller Foundation.

Gallery 6 Mission

Gallery 6 exhibitions celebrate and promote the arts in New Hampshire and beyond. The gallery space is designed to blend into the Children's museum of New Hampshire Studio space where children's artwork hangs, connecting the playful creativity of children to the serious investigations of artists. Our high-caliber exhibitions are often based on a theme that has relevance to other Children's Museum of New Hampshire exhibits, that promotes creativity or is of particular interest to families.

The Children's Museum of New Hampshire schedules 4-6 exhibits a year and has these exhibitions planned many months in advance.

Gallery 6 is open during regular Children's Museum of New Hampshire hours and there is no charge to view the exhibit. (Those wishing to visit the rest of the Children's Museum of New Hampshire as well must pay regular admission.)

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