Wonder and Wellness

Wonder & Wellness Speaker Series
In response to overwhelming requests for mental and emotional wellbeing programs from local families, the Children’s Museum of New Hampshire in Dover is proud to announce a Wonder & Wellness Speaker Series. The speaker series is one of several initiatives the museum has launched this year thanks to a generous grant from the Kennebunk Savings Bank Foundation. The Children’s Museum of NH, long seen as a safe place, free of stigma, has partnered with a variety of local mental and emotional wellbeing professionals for this speaker series, which are designed for parents and caregivers to support their child’s and their own emotional wellbeing.
Starting Strong: Early Habits to Support Your Child’s Development and Emotional Health
With Occupational Therapist Jessica Lewis
Thursday, March 13, 5–6:30pm >>
When starting your parenting journey, it can be overwhelming and confusing to know where to start and what is most important. Learn what matters most and how to best set your child up for future successes by building routines that work for everyone and that maximize your busy days. Jessica Lewis is an occupational therapist by trade and she is currently the Director of Family Centered Early Supports and Services at Community Partners. Pre-registration is required for these workshops, which include a simple pizza dinner (5–5:30pm), as well as limited free childcare for ages 4 and up (must use bathroom independently) for participating families during speaker presentation (5:30–6:30pm).
Co-Regulation: Explore the science behind how our brains and nervous system work
With Danielle Heaton from 21Senses
Thursday, April 10, 5-6:30pm >>
Learn how you can influence and support your children through co-regulation, by identifying and regulating stressors (both emotional and environmental). You can intentionally help children learn to self-regulate, not only to manage big emotions but also better regulate their behavior, thinking and learning. Danielle Heaton is the Co-Founder & Director of Twenty-One Senses, a nonprofit focused on advancing inclusion for individuals with invisible disabilities. Pre-registration is required for these workshops, which include a simple pizza dinner (5–5:30pm), as well as limited free childcare for ages 4 and up (must use bathroom independently) for participating families during speaker presentation (5:30–6:30pm).
Problem Behaviors & How To Navigate Them
With Occupational Therapist Jessica Lewis
Things don’t always go according to plan. Learn how to troubleshoot challenges in the moment and how to set yourself up for long-term successes when things get tough. Build your toolbox of strategies and learn where to go when you feel ready for some help. Jessica Lewis is an occupational therapist by trade and she is currently the Director of Family Centered Early Supports and Services at Community Partners. Pre-registration is required for these workshops, which include a simple pizza dinner (5–5:30pm), as well as limited free childcare for ages 4 and up (must use bathroom independently) for participating families during speaker presentation (5:30–6:30pm).
Speaker Bios:
Jessica Lewis is an occupational therapist by trade and she is currently the Director of Family Centered Early Supports and Services at Community Partners. She also oversees the Autism Pediatric Diagnostic Services Clinic and Spectrum Connection, an ABA Treatment Program for children with autism. Prior to her work in Early Supports and Services, Jessica worked in an outpatient therapy clinic, public school setting, and an acute pediatric psychiatric hospital. Her specialties are in the areas of working with children with medical complexities, supporting families who have experienced trauma, as well as developing and teaching programs for sensory integration and feeding.
Danielle Heaton is the Co-Founder & Director of Twenty-One Senses, a nonprofit focused on advancing inclusion for individuals with invisible disabilities. With over two decades of digital marketing and project management experience focused on educating others, Danielle's greatest strength is understanding complicated concepts and translating it into an easy to understand format. A mother of two amazing neurodiverse kiddos, she has over 25 years of experience navigating the medical, educational and social systems for herself and her family. Danielle brings her personal and professional experience to every endeavor and is passionate about creating an empathic and inclusive community. Danielle enjoys being with her husband and two kids or actively volunteering in the community.