Sensory Friendly Playtime
Starting in October, we'll offer monthly opportunities for kids on the autism spectrum or with sensory processing disorders to experience play time at the museum without the noise, crowds or over stimulation.
Pre-registration requiredSteve Blunt Musical Performance
Join a performance by local children's musician Steve Blunt for a rompin', stompin' good time, full of sing-alongs guaranteed to elicit giggles, wiggles and happy smiles!
Included with museum admission
Science Fridays
Join us every Friday for "Science Fridays" sponsored by the state of New Hampshire on behalf of the UNIQUE College Investing Plan. Included with museum admission, these activities are a fun jumping off point for scientific discovery!
Learn More....Museum Access for All
The Museum is committed to providing access to the museum for all families, regardless of financial status. We have discounts available for a wide variety of audiences. Learn more here >>