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Even with limited space and materials, kids can learn from play!

Play Based Learning experts suggest that Montessori style play areas can be a good approach to use for play based learning at home. Open ended activities that allow for creativity work well, and it helps to have a defined play space where kids know they can use any materials available. Adding one new or different activity choice per week can help keep children engaged. This can be a new theme using their toys, nature items, or other objects from around the home. Borrowing library books also helps to add variety without purchasing anything new, and can be a great way to explore new topics.

A Few Guidelines

  • Have a limited number of activities, and cater to their interests.
  • Set up materials at their level and let them choose.
  • Choose engaging activities over entertainment.
  • Mix in a variety of activities and add something different each week.
  • Use a cozy space where few things are "off limits" so kids can focus on play.
  • Trays help separate activities and contain messes

Learn more Play Based Learning tips here on our website, on Pinterest, or on YouTube.

Why is Play Based Learning Important?