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Category: Maker Movement

CMNH to Host 12th Annual NH Maker Fest

Makers of all kinds take over museum exhibits for a day of discovery

This year's annual NH Maker Fest, organized and hosted by the Children's Museum of New Hampshire in downtown Dover, on Saturday, June 1, 10am-3pm, will feature a Rube Goldberg machine expert, bug motels and seed balls, a marimba petting zoo, roaming robots and dinosaurs, a jump rope team, and will culminate with a foam dance party.

"It's a fun and affordable day of discovery for all ages," said Neva Cole, CMNH Communications Director. Admission into the Fest, which takes place inside the museum and outside in the adjacent Henry Law Park, is by a suggested $5 per person donation. Pre-paid donations can be made online, but are not required to enjoy the Fest.

Some Makers will be set-up inside the Children's Museum of New Hampshire's many unique exhibit spaces, like Laura and Sarah from the Creative Guts podcast, or Zach Umperovitch, the Rube Goldberg machine expert. Some Makers will be outside in the museum's Play Patio, like volunteers from Seacoast Permaculture offering bites of wild edible plants or helping to build bug motels. Some makers will be out in the park like volunteers from the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard helping to drive SeaPerch robots around a huge pool. Some Makers will be performing on the stage like Patti and the Pop Tarts musical ensemble. And some Makers will be roaming inside and out, like Star Wars cosplayers from the 501st New England Garrison and a life-size dinosaur puppet from Sages Entertainment. Fat Pockets food truck will be parked along Washington Street and serving authentic falafel pockets.

The education team at CMNH also offers up several drop-in activities and challenges like Tile Tie Dye, a Parachute Challenge, a Bubble Bin, and make-and-take upcycle stamps.

The Children's Museum of New Hampshire, open since 1983, is an award-winning museum featuring two floors of hands-on exhibits for kids ages birth to age 12. The museum's mission is to actively engage families in hands-on discovery. "The NH Maker Fest is just one way we offer up hands-on fun to our visitors," shared Xanthi Gray, CMNH Education Director. "It's fun to mix it up for a day-long event, and invite all ages to take part in the discovery. We hope to see just as many adults as kids enjoying the Fest-ending Foam Dance Party." The Foam experience will be provided by another Fest Maker, Sages Entertainment.

The Museum would like to thank it's 2024 NH Maker Fest Sponsors including Breezeline, NHPBS, Granite State Development Corporation, The State of New Hampshire on behalf of the UNIQUE College Investing Plan, Sprague, Albany Engineered Composites, Chinburg Properties, Eversource, QA Cafe, Novocure, Beswick Engineering, Calling All Cargo, and Martel Plumbing & Heating.

Sagesfoam party

IMAGE: The day-long NH Maker Fest on Saturday, June 1, 10am-3pm will culminate in a Foam Dance Party provided by Sages Entertainment outside the Children's Museum of New Hampshire in downtown Dover. Photo courtesy of Sages Entertainment.

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2021 NH Maker Fest is Back for More Hands-on Discovery

The Children’s Museum of New Hampshire is once again organizing and hosting the annual NH Maker Fest on Saturday, September 18th from 10am-3pm, inside and around the museum. Generous lead sponsors including Sprague, the Unique College Investing Plan managed by Fidelity, and Kennebunk Savings Bank have made it possible to have this year’s festival entrance be by donation. “We’re grateful to all our sponsors for helping to make this year’s festival the most accessible one yet,” shared CMNH President Jane Bard.

The NH Maker Fest is a day long festival that invites all ages to explore the creativity and ingenuity of area makers, hobbyists, artisans, performers and more. “Much like the Children’s Museum’s of NH mission, which is to actively engage families in hands-on discovery, the NH Maker Fest is a great opportunity to experience a ton of local innovation and resourcefulness all in one place,” said Neva Cole, CMNH Communications Director.

Participants in the Fest vary from year to year, and Maker applications are still being accepted. Lindsey Castellon, owner of Angry Gato Designs, is excited to participate for the first time this year, and will not only be selling her fantastical laser-cut works of art, illustrations, jewelry and more, but will also be showing guests how to make their own fabric scrap garland. Local podcaster Laura Harper will be on hand with her friends from the Creative Guts podcast, and will be inviting folks to stop by and record answers to a few of their creative questions. Recordings from the Fest may even be used in a future episode of Creative Guts!

NH Maker Fest alumni will include the Maker Lab at the Dover Library, who are always popular with guests because of their creative activities, as well as the talented students of the McDonough-Grimes Irish Dance group who will be performing on the Rotary Arts Pavilion stage in front of the museum. Also back again this year is the FIRST LEGO League team from the Dover Middle School who will not only show off their robots, but help guests code and operate a robot to complete missions of their own.

Interested Makers also have the option of participating virtually through pre-recorded videos, online workshops, blogs and more. “We went totally virtual with the Fest last year, and we wanted to offer that option to people again this year since it was a lot of fun, and an easy way for people to show off their talents,” shared Cole.

Also new this year, the Fest has partnered with the Cochecho Arts Festival, organized by the Dover Chamber of Commerce. Magic Fred, a children’s magician will perform from 10-10:30am, and then The Kenney Brothers Band, a folk rock band, will perform from 3-4pm as the culmination of both the NH Maker Fest and the Cochecho Arts Festival summer concert series. Both performances will take place on the Rotary Arts Pavilion at Henry Law Park and the stage sponsor is Burns, Bryant, Cox, Rockefeller & Durkin, P.A. “We are excited to partner with the Children’s Museum of New Hampshire to provide entertainment for the NH Maker Fest,” says Greater Dover Chamber of Commerce President Margaret Joyce. “This is a natural extension of our summer-long Cochecho Arts Festival and allows us to celebrate the arts with Maker Fest attendees.”

The museum would like to thank all its NH Maker Fest sponsors including Sprague, Unique College Investing Plan Managed by Fidelity, Kennebunk Savings Bank, Albany International, Alexander Technology Group, Beswick Engineering Company, Inc., QA Cafe, The Rowley Agency, Loftware, Martel Plumbing & Heating, and NHPBS. To learn more about the Fest, to support this event, or to apply as a Maker, please visit this page.

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Witchway Games & Eric Streed

Q&A with Artist and Game Designer Eric Streed

Q. How do you start making board games?=

A. I would start by playing lots of different board games! Find out what kind of games you like, and what about those games you enjoy. Is it the theme? Do you like drafting cards? Do you like worker placement? What parts of those game maximize on that sort or play?

After you’ve started thinking about those questions, start small. Make an “expansion” to a game you already know and love. Change a rules set, or get some cheap custom cards made for it. See how the rules you change or the elements you implement add to or subtract from the game.

Game design is a skill that takes practice to get better at, your first game is not going to be perfect. Instead of perfect, focus on “Done”. The artist Jake Parker spreads the message “finished, not perfect”. This idea encourages to complete a project, and then start the next one and make it even better. Consider the table presence of the game you want to make, think of that peak moment you want to give a player, and build towards that.

Q. How did you start making board games?

A. I went to school for art, focusing on video game design. I worked for animation studios and on independent video games for a while but found the process slow and unfulfilling. I ended up co-founding a small company a few years after college and got involved making board games and immediately saw a shift. I could quickly hold my game in my hands and play it with other people. The efficiency, community, and tactile nature of board and card games really rekindled my love of game design.

Q. What is the hardest part of making board games?

A. For me the hardest part of game design is iterating. I get an idea, work with people to iron out the details, do the art for the game, get a prototype made up, and start playtesting, only to start finding issues in the design. This is a super normal part of the design process, no game is going to work perfectly right out the gate. This is the piece of the puzzle that gets very granular though, where you are fiddling with numbers, changing rules occasionally, altering the setup and win conditions. This is a crucial piece of the design process, but its also challenging as it also takes the most time.

Q. What resources are there out there for aspiring board game designers?

A. There are lots of great resources for game designers out there! There are social media groups, there are cheap game design kits available online, I’ve even hand cut cards and drawn on them for perfectly functional prototypes. After you have spent a little time making some handmade prototypes or printing some small assets for an expansion to a game you like, using a company like The Game Crafter is a great way to step up your designs and create some really beautiful production quality copies of your game.

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NH Maker & Food Fest SNEAK PEAK!

The NH Maker & Food Fest has a new date - Saturday, June 29th, 2019, and we are still accepting Maker & Food Vendor applications through June 7th. A couple of cool new things about this year's Fest:

NO FEE to enjoy the FOOD TRUCKS!
You heard right, you don't have to pay the Maker Fest ticket fee to enjoy the food trucks (of which we have about 11 so far). BUT, of course we hope you'll come in and check out all the Makers anyway.

Dover Ducky Derby
We're bringing back the Dover Ducky Derby as a collaboration with SEED (Seacoast Educational Endowment) during the Fest at 1pm. Adopt a duck and you can watch it drop off the Washington Street Bridge into the Cocheco River. The first few ducks to cross the finish line will win some great prizes! You don't have to pay a Maker Fest ticket fee to see the Derby either. Just gather by the food trucks along the river!

Recycled River Regatta
Right after the Dover Ducky Derby is the Recycled River Regatta! Basically, we're inviting anyone and everyone to craft a small boat out of recycled materials and we'll launch them off the Washington Street Bridge at 1:15pm to see if they can not only float, but survive that 20-foot drop into the water! Anyone can participate (it's FREE), and we're just asking that if you want to be considered for an award, just fill out a quick form when you drop off your boat in the lower park. You also do not have to pay a Maker Fest ticket fee to watch or participate in the Recycled River Regatta. Psst... EDUCATORS! This would make an awesome end of year project for your kids!

Museum and Park
This year we're not exhibiting any Makers across the river at One Washington. Everyone will either be located inside the Children's Museum, on the Rotary Pavilion stage, or outside in the upper park, with the food vendors down in the parking lot next to the Dover Adventure Playground. 


As usual, it pays to get your Maker Fest tickets early! They're only $10 per person (ages 6 - adult) when you buy them online through Friday, June 28th. BUT, you might want to check out all the awesome discounts we have for EBT Cardholders, Active Military, Seniors, etc before you buy them online. We want EVERYONE to enjoy this day of discovery!

And now for a SNEAK PEEK at just a handful of participating Makers and Food Vendors:

Boogalows Island BBQ
In the mood for some Jamaican food? How does Jerk Dinner, Jerk-a-Rito, Mango BBQ Chicken Skewers, Pork on a Bun, or a Jamaican Beef Patty sound? Stop by Boogalows Island BBQ Food Truck for tons of mouth watering BBQ from the island of Jamaica! Accepts cash or credit.

Dover Public Library
Did you know your local library is a great resource for makers learning to expand their skills? Stop by the Dover Public Library booth to learn more about their maker space and all the support they offer to makers. Try out making a fun rainbow bubble snake while you’re there!

Sub-Zero Nitrogen Ice Cream
Not only will you be able to taste this incredible ice cream in the Food area of Maker Fest, but they’ll also be showing off the science behind their “cool” treats on the stage using liquid nitrogen! 

Doggie Investigation Gang
The Doggie Investigation Gang, DIG, is a children’s beginner chapter book series that promotes acceptance and teamwork while engaging the child in mysteries that a canine team solves. All proceeds from sales are donated to PAWS New England, All Breed Dog Rescue. One or more of the dogs from the books might be available for a meet-and-greet!

Snap Circuits with UNH InterOperability Lab 
Join members of the UNH InterOperability Lab, a testing lab right here in NH, to learn about electricity and STEM fields. Play with Snap Circuits and see if you can make lights turn on or spinners spin! 

AMITY Publications
Have a great book idea and always wanted to publish it? Meet Author/Publisher Layne Case, AMITY Publications, to learn the steps needed to make it happen! Layne will be giving two workshops, one entitled “So you Want to Be an Author” which will talk about how to become a published author, and the other entitled “See My (Dis)Abilities” which will feature a book that addresses four disabilities as they are defined, however, through the use of photography, “redefines” them by focusing on their abilities.

Local Artist Nicole Ellis
Nicole is a local artist who “dabbles” in crafts and will be showing off and selling her paintings of quiet New England moments, as well as her upcycled, hand-sewn crafts and ornaments, wood block printed notecards, and more.

LetGo Your Mind STEM Programs
This is a team of teachers and engineers who have a passion for helping kids discover creativity through science. They use LEGO builds to help teach the basics of design and engineering! Stop by their booth to create your own magnetic levitation LEGO car that will travel down a ten-foot ramp! 

Henna & Body Art By Squirrel Cat Designs
Denice Kelly from Squirrel Cat Designs is back and offering all natural henna and jaguar designs! Come learn about how henna is used in different cultures, shop henna-inspired items, or let the kids pick out a temporary glitter tattoo.

This is a group of 3rd -8th graders who are part of the FIRST Lego League Robotics Team, who use cooperation and gracious professionalism while coding and building autonomous robots. Learn more about how they work together to find innovative solutions to contemporary issues and then try your hand at coding a LEGO robot! 

NASA Ambassadors
NASA Ambassadors can tell you all about NASA’s latest space missions! Stop by their booth, space out with them, and pick up some NASA swag and freebies!

Persistence of Vision with NHPBS
Come learn about animation with one of the festival’s media sponsors, NHPBS! Discover what “persistence of vision” means – hint – it’s why we see TV and movies as moving images and not a series of still shots. 

Slime Buffet with Main Street Art
SLIME IS BACK! This Newfields community art center will be talking about all their fall art classes suitable for children and families, while also inviting everyone to play in their popular slime buffet!

Clay: Awakening an Earth Resource
Let Vicky Anderson teach you how to recognize, simple-test, and awaken natural clay to craft into a small item to take home. 

Thread Painting
Local artist Melanie Lovering will show us how she creates her unique nature photography/fabric paintings that are enhanced with thread!

Crea8ive Curves
Let Thulasi Makireddy create a traditional henna design on you with freshly mixed natural henna that can last up to a week! 

oneTesla Musical Tesla Coil Kits
These awesome DIY Tesla coil kits shoot lightning, play music, and teach electronics! Started at an MIT hakerspace and funded by Kickstarter, oneTesla has been sparking interest in physics worldwide since 2012. 

Homeslice Puppetry
Eric Weiss is a professional puppet builder who teaches people how to build their own puppets. Stop by, meet his puppet friends, and build your own foam carved puppet using pool noodles and common craft supplies!

Puzzle Making with New England Tutors
These local group of tutors work to inspire, challenge, and advocate for students of all ages and all abilities. Stop by their booth to learn more about them, and to design and color a puzzle to take home!

McDonough-Grimes Irish Dance School
Dover’s own traditional irish dance school, led by former “Riverdance” cast member John Grimes, will not only be performing on stage today, but will have a booth where you can stop by and learn more about the different dance steps or maybe even join in a group dance! 

One Story Houses
Erin Mawn brings her favorite books, movies and stories to life in miniature through her unique dollhouses which she crafts using mostly upcycled and thrifted materials!

Triaxial Weave Baskets
Peggy Thrasher will be back promoting the art of basket weaving and selling her baskets made from colorful ribbons that are woven in three directions with each ribbon at a 60 degree angle. This produces a basket with vibrant colors that often have the 3D “Tumbling Blocks” pattern on the side of the basket. Stop by her tables and try weaving a pine needle basket and learn about available classes at the Northeast Basketmakers Guild.

A Moose with a Uke
Join local author and illustrator Aaron Risi as he demonstrates how he draws Monty the Moose from his inspirational children’s book “A Moose with a Uke.” And if you ask nicely he might just play the Monty the Moose theme song on his ukulele!

Check out what Yvonne Martin, a Rye NH inventor has created to help jazz up your cupboards or your closet! The Kno-Bu is a fabric accessory that stretches and holds tightly to existing knobs or buttons. Play at being a fashion stylist and try it out yourself on one of their mannequin’s coats!

Sages Entertainment – Balloon Art
Kali and Wayne Moulton are an enthusiastic husband-and-wife duo providing balloon twisting and décor along with magic and balloon workshops! Watch as they create some amazing balloon sculptures to display. You may even be able to take one home if you are visiting at the right time!

Granite State Ghostbusters & N.E.G.A.T.E.
These volunteer Ghostbuster groups love showing off their cosplay gear and will be roaming the Fest again this year! Be sure to stop and say “I ain’t afraid of no ghosts!”


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What Can I Buy at Maker Fest?

While it's true that the 6th annual NH Maker & Food Fest is all about sharing knowledge and skills and getting inspiration, it's also a chance to support local makers by purchasing their creations! On Saturday, August 25th from 10am-4pm, stop by downtown Dover for inspired shopping! Mark your calendars, get your tickets early, or at the door, and bring your holiday gift list!

Andre’s Anvil

Looking for a one-of-a-kind gift? Andre’s Anvil might have what you are looking for! These makers use a mix of discarded metal, silverware and other materials to create unique items for the home and garden. Browse their booth and you might find nature-inspired items like ladyslippers, long-stemmed flowers, dragonflies and more.

Awesome Robot Science Fiction Action Comix

Awesome Robot Comix

Painter, Michael Mongue, and his sons Diego & Garcia have embarked on a whimsical homespun comic book journey crafting the misadventures of anthropomorphic robot named Dennis. The story and renderings marry the fantasy riddled musings of two boys and the satirical commentaries on pop culture and commercialism of their outsider artist father.

​Henna By Squirrel Cat Designs

Squirrelcatdesigns Henna

Denice Kelly from Squirrel Cat Designs is back and offering all natural henna for $5 and up. Come learn about how henna is used in different cultures, shop henna-inspired items, or let the kids pick out a temporary glitter tattoo.

Luna Canvas by Nicole Knowlton

Nicole is a young art educator from Franconia, NH who will be showing off her fluid and beautiful conceptual art. Her art is created using house/acrylic paint on canvas, wood, boxes, magnets and a variety of found objects. Stop by Nicole’s booth to get inspired and maybe purchase a painting to bring home.

Peggy Thrasher: ​Triaxial Weave Baskets

Peggythrasher Basket

Peggy is back promoting the art of basket weaving and selling her baskets made from colorful ribbons that are woven in three directions with each ribbon at a 60 degree angle. This produces a basket with vibrant colors that often have the 3D “Tumbling Blocks” pattern on the side of the basket. Stop by her tables and try weaving a pine needle basket and learn about available classes at the Northeast Basketmakers Guild.

​AMITY Publications

Amity Publishing

Have a great book idea and always wanted to publish it? Meet Author/Publisher Layne Case, AMITY Publications, to learn the steps needed to make it happen! In addition to selling her books, Layne will also be giving a workshop at 11am titled “So You Want to Be an Author” and two of her published authors will help give another workshop at 1:30pm titled “Storytelling with Young Authors Jadyn Steven & Grant Currie.”

Doggie Investigation Gang

Doggie Investigation Gang

The Doggie Investigation Gang, DIG, is a children’s beginner chapter book series that promotes acceptance and teamwork while engaging the child in mysteries that a canine team solves. All proceeds from sales are donated to PAWS New England, All Breed Dog Rescue.

Pretty Aud Face Paint

Pretty Aud Face Paint

Young maker Audrey Ammann is back for the third year in a row with more of her fantastic face paint designs (available for a small fee). Her original face paint designs use hypoallergenic and FDA-certified paints and can incorporate glitter, stencil work, and even rhinestones!

Geekasaurus with Kali Moulton


Geekasaurus is a weekly webcomic that highlights the adventures and antics of Kali Moulton’s nerdtastic family. Featured on GeekMom, this weekly comic is fun for all ages and highlights the ups and downs of life and parenting, one dinosaur comic at a time.

Hills Home Market

This local home food delivery service will be talking about and signing people up to receive their services and products and also giving away sirloin steak samples that they cook right in front of you.

​SEED (Seacoast Education Endowment of Dover)


Stop by to learn about this local non-profit, and adopt a yellow rubber duck to participate in the September 22nd Dover Ducky Derby!

​Wheel Spun Pottery & Pinch Pot Making with Kealey Gray

Kealey s a young maker who has been crafting wheel spun pottery for the last three years and will have some unique items for sale. Stop by and play with clay as you learn to make a mini pinch pot out of air drying clay to take home.

Usborne Books

Usbourne Books

Usborne Books and More is an award-winning children’s book publisher with unique and interactive books and activities for all ages - from infant, to young adult. Join in a book-based activity and browse the books for sale.

Thank you to all our 2018 NH Maker & Food Fest sponsors: The Unique College Investing Plan managed by Fidelity Investments, Prime Buchholz, Alexander Technology Group, Dover Emergency Room (a Campus of Portsmouth Regional Hospital), Great Bay Community College, Albany Engineered Composites, Beswick Engineering, The Rowley Agency Inc., Chinburg Properties, Leone, McDonnell & Roberts, LLC, Martel Plumbing & Heating, Inc., STEM From the Start, iheartMedia, 95.3 The Bull and Z107.

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Meet the 2018 Young Makers

We're so excited for our 6th annual NH Maker & Food Fest happening this year on Saturday, August 25th from 10am-4pm! This day long festival (formerly the Dover Mini Maker Faire) is a giant showcase of local talent. We have over 50 participants this year, including performers, food vendors, science geeks, and the young makers featured here in this blog post! Mark your calendars, get your tickets early, or at the door, and get ready to be inspired! 

Caleb Weinstein - Lichtenberg Figures

Lichtenberg Figures3

This 8th grade Maker is new to the NH Maker & Food Fest this year, but we're all pretty excited to see him in action! He'll be showing off how he uses high voltage electricity to create unique patterns in wood, called Lichtenberg Figures.

"To make a figure, you must take wood, briase it with water that is mixed with an electrolyte (I use baking soda), and then put high voltage electricity through it. I use a 12,000 kV 35 milliamp neon sign transformer."

His unique furniture will also be for sale!

Nicole Knowlton - Abstract Artist

Luna Canvasby Nicole Knowlton

Nicole Knowlton is a young art educator from Franconia, NH who will be showing off her fluid and beautiful conceptual art. Her art is created using house/acrylic paint on canvas, wood, boxes, magnets and a variety of found objects. Stop by Nicole's booth to get inspired and maybe purchase a painting to bring home.

Mixtape A Cappella - Performance

Accapella Mixtape

This group of young professionals from NH's Seacoast will mix it up on stage for a 30 minute a cappella performance! Stop by their booth and learn how to warm up your voices, try your hand at a cappella trivia and play the "Wheel of Songs!"

Audrey Ammann - Pretty Aud Face Paint

Pretty Aud Face Paint

Audrey is back for the third year in a row with more of her fantastic face paint designs (available for a small fee). Her original face paint designs use hypoallergenic and FDA-certified paints and can incorporate glitter, stencil work, and even rhinestones! 

Beckett Lutton - Word Clock, An Arduino Powered Clock

Word Clock1

Stop by and say hello to young 12 year old Maker, Beckett Lutton who helped build an arduino powered clock that tells time in English, with the help of his father and neighbor. Adjust the time on the clock and see how different times are expressed!

Kealey Gray - Wheel Spun Pottery

Kealey Gray5 Sm

Kealey Gray is a young maker who has been crafting wheel spun pottery for the last three years and will have some unique items for sale. Stop by and play with clay as you learn to make a mini pinch pot out of air drying clay to take home.

Thank you to all our 2018 NH Maker & Food Fest sponsors: The Unique College Investing Plan managed by Fidelity Investments, Prime Buchholz, Alexander Technology Group, Dover Emergency Room (a Campus of Portsmouth Regional Hospital), Great Bay Community College, Albany Engineered Composites, Beswick Engineering, The Rowley Agency Inc., Chinburg Properties, Leone, McDonnell & Roberts, LLC, Martel Plumbing & Heating, Inc., STEM From the Start, iheartMedia, 95.3 The Bull and Z107.

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​Dover Mini Maker Faire Showcases Local Innovation

Giant Jenga

With the end of summer comes New Hampshire’s only one-day Maker Faire. On Saturday, August 27, from 10am-4pm the Dover Mini Maker Faire will take over the Children’s Museum of New Hampshire, and indeed, most of Dover.

“The ‘Mini’ only refers to the fact that it’s a one day event,” shared Jane Bard, President of CMNH. “There’s really nothing small about this Faire.” With 63 Maker presenters and 8 food vendors, this fourth annual Faire will be the largest one yet.

The Dover Mini Maker Faire is a hands-on festival that celebrates the creativity and innovation of NH’s creative “Makers.” “NH is well known for it’s artisan community, and that, combined with our booming tech industries and ‘Live free or die’ attitude results in some really amazing inventions,” shared Bard. Visitors of the Faire can not only expect to learn something new but to also try their hand at “Making.”

“People come to the Dover Mini Maker Faire to learn new things and to get inspired. I can’t think of any other Faire where you can see a short film, play with clay, and legos and circuits and electricity and then top it off with challenging a stormtrooper to a game of giant jenga!”

The Faire, which takes place from 10am-4pm at the Children’s Museum of New Hampshire, Henry Law Park and One Washington Mill in Dover, is always scheduled the last weekend of the summer. “We think it’s a great way to send kids back to school inspired,” shared Jane. Although, kids are not the only ones who will enjoy this Faire. “Over half the people who visit the Faire come without kids, which tells us there’s a lot of interest in the local maker movement from adults.”

Small sampling of some of the 2016 Makers:

Cider Hill Homestead Honey, York, ME

Ever wanted to learn about keeping bees? Heather Razin a beekeeper from York, Maine will be on hand at this year’s Faire, and while she’ll leave the bees at home, she’ll bring along her bee suits for Faire guests to try on, learn about the equipment and taste honey!

Form Lab, Hopkinton, NH

Form lab is an art studio run by Joe and Rachel Montroy. They use a variety of materials, primarily metal and clay to make sculptural and functional objects. Stop by their booth to play with some clay and watch them demonstrate a variety of techniques, such as throwing on the potter's wheel and bronze casting.

NAO Humanoid Robot, Portsmouth, NH

NAO Humanoid Robot is a robot that helps and inspires kids to learn in the classroom. NAO interacts with touch, voice or vision and is designed for educational interactions with children ages 5 and up. See NAO, the world's leading humanoid robot, perform live at this year’s Dover Mini Maker Faire!

The Cupcake Queen, Manchester, NH

12 year old Katie McQuaid has known since a young age what she wanted to do. She started mixing and making her own cupcakes about a year ago and has perfected 3 cupcakes that she now promotes and sells. Stop by to try a cupcake and learn more about an amazing young entrepreneur who is following her dreams.

Fishertechnik Robot, Newmarket, NH

Madison Kelly and Marie Hoehner, students at the Seacoast School of Technology will have a Fisherntechnik robot for guests to play and interact with. Fisherntechnik has robot kits that offer a variety of robotic products that can be combined however you want. These young Makers, in collaboration with their teacher Vaso Partinoudi, will have a computer running a program that controls their one-of-a-kind robot.

Sensor-bilitY, Northwood, NH

Sensor-bilitY, from Northwood, NH, makes affordable multi-sensory toys and tools for kids. They’ll have their products for sale as well as fun tables set up with all sorts of hands on play. The interactive sensory tables are designed by a 12 year old "creative director" who is on the autism spectrum.

The Northeast Bucaneers, Cape Neddick, ME

The Dover Mini Maker Faire will be taken over by these pirates, entertainers and merrimakers this year! Don’t be surprised if they challenge you to a sword fight, try to educate you on proper pirate etiquette or demand to take a selfie with you! Don’t worry, they’re friendlier than they look.

Delicious Science with Sub Zero Ice Cream, Nashua, NH

Sub Zero will show you how "cool" science can be! We provide a look at the states of matter, the relationship between volume, pressure and temperature and even the Leidenfrost effect. With visual experiments performed before your eyes YOU get to interactively participate by providing your hypotheses as to what the outcome of the experiments will be! Science is delicious!

Segway, Inc., Bedford, NH

Segway is making their first appearance at the Dover Mini Maker Faire! Discover their innovative and energy conscious products. Whether you’re developing a robotics app, taking on a new adventure, exploring the sights or focusing on improving employee productivity, it’s more fun to do so with style. Simplify your world and enjoy work and play that much more with Segway!

NEMO Equipment, Dover, NH

Dover based company NEMO Equipment returns to exhibit some of its cutting edge outdoor industry designs. Stop by and learn about the creative process, how the gear is made, the technologies used, and how NEMO equipment can help fuel your next adventure!

Maine State Library SLA Printer, Augusta, ME

The Maine State Library will be joining us at this year’s Faire and will be bringing some fun equipment! The Kudo 3D is an SLA (stereolithographic) 3D printer. It essentially works by projecting UV light to harden a special resin, layer by layer, to create a 3D object. It’s just one of the awesome tech devices available in their Makerspace.

Lights, camera, ACTION!, Chester, NH

The Narrow Street Films stunt team has been creating stage and film action pieces for close to ten years. Members have some impressive training including military training, weapons handling, guns, knives, swords and bo staff handling and much more. Members of the NSF Stunt team will be hosting a workshop on the ins and outs of making a cool, dynamic, and dangerous (looking) action scene!

Google Cardboard Virtual Tour Demonstration, Barrington, NH

Have you always wanted to see a tour of the statue of Liberty, but never had the chance? Want to visit the Children's Museum of New Hampshire when it's closed, in the comfort of your own home? Now is your chance! Make it Active, LLC, a Google Trusted Photography Street View Partner, will be at this year’s Faire with a Google Cardboard Virtual Reality Demonstration, along with simple instructions on how to build your own Google Cardboard at home!

Boogalow’s Island BBQ, Seabrook, NH

Check out Seabrook NH’s own Boogalow Island BBQ! Boogalow’s serves up delicious Jamaican BBQ including jerk spiced chicken, curry, short rib sandwiches and more. This food truck is a must for any BBQ lover and brings a slice of Jamaica right here to New Hampshire!

Tickets to the Dover Mini Maker Faire are on sale now for $10. Tickets will cost $12 at the door and kids ages 5 and under are free. Purchase tickets, learn more or sign up to volunteer at

The Dover Mini Maker Faire is sponsored by the Unique College Savings Plan by Fidelity, VELCRO® Brand, Alexander Technology Group, Prime Buchholz, Beswick Engineering, The Rowley Agency, Construction Services of New Hampshire, Albany Engineered Composites, Chinburg Properties, Holy Rosary Credit Union, Garrison Women’s Health, Coed Sportswear, Inc. and Leone, McDonnell & Roberts, PA. Media sponsorships have been provided by iHeart Media, 95.3 The Bull, Z107, NH1 News on WBIN TV and New Hampshire Public Television.

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Dover Mini Maker Faire Showcases Local DIY


On Saturday, August 27, 2016, “Makers” and fans of the “Do-It-Yourself” movement will descend upon Dover for the Dover Mini Maker Faire. The Faire is NH’s only licensed Maker Faire and will feature 63 Makers and 8 food vendors representing 37 different towns around New England!

This hands-on festival offers people who make things, whether its fly fishing ties, or 3D printed robots, a chance to show off what they are making and share what they are learning. “The Makers are the stars of this festival,” says Jane Bard, President of the Children’s Museum of New Hampshire, organizers of the Faire. “People come to the Dover Mini Maker Faire to learn new things and to get inspired. I can’t think of any other Faire where you can see a short film, play with clay, and legos and circuits and electricity and then top it off with challenging a stormtrooper to a game of giant jenga!”

The Faire, which takes place from 10am-4pm at the Children’s Museum of New Hampshire, Henry Law Park and One Washington Mill in Dover, is always scheduled the last weekend of the summer. “We think it’s a great way to send kids back to school inspired,” shared Jane. Although, kids are not the only ones who will enjoy this Faire. “Over half the people who visit the Faire come without kids, which tells us there’s a lot of interest in the local maker movement from adults.”

New this year will be the Faire’s first short “Short Film Festival” featuring two short films and an excerpt of a longer film, all created by local filmmakers.

Father-and-daughter filmmakers Alfred Thomas Catalfo and Gina Catalfo Nelson of Dover will present two of their award-winning short films.

"Signing" is an 11-minute film written, directed and edited by Gina Catalfo Nelson. It is a heartwarming, teenage love story about trust and accepting others for exactly who they are. "Rocketship" is a 15-minute film written and directed by Alfred Thomas Catalfo in which an unlikely bond is forged between a lonely boy and an elderly man claiming to be a former astronaut. Together, they transform a vintage vacuum cleaner into a rocketship for a surprising journey. The film is inspired by the rocketship sculptures of local artist David Random. This will be the first time Alfred and Gina have shown their films together.

The other film is an excerpt from “The Man Who Wasn’t Tex Magru” a 1940’s gangster comedy by Manchester-based filmmakers Narrow Street Films. Narrow Street Films’ stunt team will also be on hand at the Faire for a film stunt workshop. The films’ Directors will be on hand for a Q&A session after the viewing.

Volunteers are still needed to help with this year’s Dover Mini Maker Faire. Volunteers who sign up for at least one 3-hour shift will receive free admission to the Faire. All volunteers must be 16 years or older.

Tickets to the Dover Mini Maker Faire are on sale now for $10. Tickets will cost $12 at the door and kids ages 5 and under are free. Purchase tickets, learn more or sign up to volunteer at

The Dover Mini Maker Faire is sponsored by the Unique College Savings Plan by Fidelity, VELCRO® Brand, Alexander Technology Group, Prime Buchholz, Beswick Engineering, The Rowley Agency, Construction Services of New Hampshire, Albany Engineered Composites, Chinburg Properties, Holy Rosary Credit Union, Garrison Women’s Health, Coed Sportswear, Inc. and Leone, McDonnell & Roberts, PA. Media sponsorships have been provided by iHeart Media, 95.3 The Bull, Z107, NH1 News on WBIN TV and New Hampshire Public Television.

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